Gokutsuma Days: Gokudou Sankyoudai ni semaretemasuChapter 28
Comedy Romance

Sakura, a shut-in gaming otaku, rescued an old man who turns out to be the leader of a yakuza! The clan leader was so impressed by her actions that he declared to his three grandsons, “Whoever wins Sakura-san’s heart will be the next clan leader!” And so, she was surrounded by three handsome Yakuza brothers; The gentle eldest son, the delinquent second son, and the level-headed intellectual third son. Gokusuma Days is an exciting manga that was ranked number one on the manga reader app Palcy (, a heart-throbbing four-way love story between an otaku and three handsome Yakuza! Let the “Yakuza Harem”, start!

Ore to Mou Ichido, HatsukoiChapter 12
Comedy Romance


Tonegawa Lilica's LaboratoryChapter 1
Romance Supernatural

Tonegawa Lilica may be the daughter of the famous biologist Tonegawa Midori, but she personally hates math and science. She's most interested in being fashionable. But in order to save a friend, Lilica makes a contract with a strange blonde man in foreign clothing: she receives a flask to summon famous scientists, and he vows to make her like science.This mysterious bishounen introduces himself as the greatest scientist of Ancient Greece, Archimedes.